Benzoic Acid 99%

Catalog Number Q188
Definition Benzoic Acid is a white flake that is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, turpentine and slightly soluble in water.
CAS Number 65-85-0
Application Can be used in sodium and butyl benzoate, benzoil chlorides, plasticizers, perfumes, dentifrice, alkyd resins, standard and analytical chemistry, and tobacco seasoning. It is also a food preservative and anti-fungal agent.
Technical Data
Melting Point  120-123°C
Purity  99% min
Ash  0.1%
Chloro-Benzoic Acid  1% max
Q-Benzenedicarboxylic  0.5% max.
Appearance  White plate
Packaging & Handling Packed in 25 Kg plastic woven bags. 17 MT per 20' FCL


Moderately toxic by ingestion. Combustible.

Read MSDS before using this product.

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